Inspiring Quote

Inspiring Quote
Quote By Me: Patricia A.E. Hampton


Reviewed By Mamta Madhavan for Readers’ Favorite   

Kamena, a witch, lived in the land of pumpkins and witches in the children's story A Witchful Friend: An Amazing Tail of a Pumpkin by Patricia A.E.Hampton. She was different from the other witches and was bright and full of laughter. Though she had special powers like other witches, Kamena never used them to cast any evil spells on the land. The other witches thought she was a waste of talent because she was not using her powers. One day, while walking through the land, she spotted a pumpkin which looked different from the other pumpkins. She was curious to know why the pumpkin was sitting alone, away from the other pumpkins. Yuri, as he introduced himself, cried and cried and cried and she tried everything in her power to calm him down. Though she tried to push him over to the other pumpkins, Yuri rejected her offer. They started to converse and they both realized that they had a lot in common. None of the pumpkins believed Kamena was a good witch but one day something unusual happened. Will the pumpkins accept Yuri and believe Kamena is not a bad witch?
The story is exciting and children will be curious to learn the ending. The illustrations are adorable and colorful and they make the story appealing to young readers. It is a story of kindness, acceptance, and friendship, and the author has some interesting characters in it. Both Yuri and Kamena are lovable in their uniqueness and the author portrays them well.It is a good storybook for storytelling sessions in classrooms and homes, and teaches children to accept, appreciate, and celebrate their differences and uniqueness. The evil witches, bullying pumpkins, and the land they dwell in all add to the enchanting elements of the plot.

Visit author page for more details

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