Inspiring Quote

Inspiring Quote
Quote By Me: Patricia A.E. Hampton

Please Be Cautious

It was brought to my attention that someone was sponsoring an author event under my name. I haven’t established any author events of any kind as of yet, and I am the only one that does any type of planning for my authorship being that I am a self published author. 

In the event that I would arrange such meetings, it will be announced by me here on my blog site or social media. So please be cautious, if there any announcements of any recent events, please call it to my attention. Thanks for your time.

Patricia A. E. Hampton

Too Much Tragic

We here too many times how people have made a change for the best for their lives as well as for a community, and how some of these people have lost their lives due to the hate of others not wanting to see a positive change for the best. For example, the recent tragic of a young man known to millions as Nipsy Hussel  in the music entertainment industry that was highly publicized  in the media as to how this young man was in a gang, and used his talents to help a community that he grew up in, and his life was taken away form him. Just for trying to make a positive change for the better. Another person that we are all familiar with through history was Dr. Martin Luther King and how he fought for civil rights among all and was assassinated for his efforts. Two people from two different backgrounds and era and time. But with the same motto. “To make a change.”  

How sad and horrible that these people are to be so inhuman and not to want to see changes that not only can help the targeted sources; but can also be of help to each and every individual included, themselves. For the young at hand I suggest to never, never, never have a behavior of hate towards another person especially when they are making a change for everyone as well as their own lives. One good behavior is to take on is to congratulate them and see how your life fits in with this new transformation to help make a positive change as well. I am an author of written content and hold no discriminating behavior towards other entertainer of different styles. I have love for all. Some have told me to stay in my community, I say, "this is my community as well as yours," "just with a different twist."

Remember everyone has a spirit to make a positive change. To the families that have lost loved ones in this manner or to any violent crime, my condolences and prayers goes out to you. Stay strong and don’t let the devil defeat your soul.

Written by me: Patricia A. E. Hampton

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